Maybe you’ve got a newly-licensed teen learning how to
drive. Maybe it’s that carpool buddy of
yours with the lead foot. Hey, maybe
it’s even your sweet old mother-in-law that only comes to visit twice a
One thing is for sure: nobody is
as skilled a driver as you! At least
that’s how it seems, right? As it turns
out, YOU could be the annoying one! A
recent survey by Insure.Com revealed WHO is really the most annoying driver in
the house.
Who is the most annoying driver? Here are the findings:
- My spouse: 36 percent
- A friend: 22 percent
- My mother: 16 percent
- My father: 9 percent
- Other: 8 percent
- My teen son: 5 percent
- My teen daughter: 4 percent
So, who really grinds your gears? Join the conversation on Twitter and
Facebook—we want to know what you think.